
At Lyndhurst we have a Local Governing Board (LGB) who work closely with the Headteacher along with other Senior Leaders at the school.

Lyndhurst Community Primary School is proudly part of Victorious Academies Trust. You can find out more about our Trust on their website click here. The Trust has delegated the role of making many key decisions that affect the education and well-being of our pupils to the LGB.

 The Governors are involved in:

  • Setting the Academy’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and making sure money is well spent.

The LGB is vital to the successful running of the Academy. Governors from our local community bring a wide range of skills and experience to the LGB. Parent Governors are elected by the parents of pupils at our Academy and have an important role in LGB decision making.

You can find more details about our Governors’ Terms of Office, Register of Interests and Attendance on our Trust website click here.

You can contact the Chair of Governors, Neal Charlton through the school office on 0161 330 7220 or at

If you would like to help the Academy and share your expertise by becoming a Governor, please contact our Headteacher, Gemma Patterson, via the school office, who can tell you more about what the role involves.


Please see the links below for further information:


Governing Body Information

Governor Meeting Attendance