Year 5 this year have Mrs Duckworth and Mr Bowden as their teachers. Mrs Duckworth teaches Monday and Tuesday, with Mr Bowden teaching the remainder of the week. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Moorfield who is in class every day. . Mrs Stopford is our lunchtime supervisor.


Autumn 1:

Year 5 have made a great start to the academic year. Above you can see some of the exciting activities they have already experienced. 

The children enjoyed 2 days taking part in BikeAbility and improving their cycling proficiency skills.

Our first Design and Technology project has begun, the children enjoyed adapting and making Spaghetti Bolognese. 

Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to take part in a country-wide zoom with best-selling children's author Katherine Rundell where we learnt about her life/upbringing; her inspirations for writing and hearing all about her new release "incredible creatures."


PE: Kits

PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays. We are currently learning hockey with Mrs Duckworth on Mondays and Tag Rugby on Wednesdays with Mr Bowden. 

PE kit is a white T shirt and black shorts or jogging bottoms with trainers or pumps. Jewellery should not be worn and long hair should be tied back for safety reasons. 

If you have any difficulties with any of these please let us know and school will endeavour to assist. 

Water and Snacks:

Please ensure you bring a clear reusable water bottle to school every day. This should only contain water and not juice. Children can bring in fruit or an appropriate healthy snack to eat at break time.


Reading is vitally important as a form of enjoyment and also to support learning. Children have been given a book-banded reading book which is designed to

support their continued learning in this important area of the curriculum. Everyone has the opportunity to borrow books from the school library and class

libraries. The children have also been given a group book to read - similar to a book club where everyone has to read to a certain point by the following week.

It ensures that children engage with the book and keeps the suspense as they are not allowed to read ahead. 

Please bring your reading books to school every day. All reading at home should be recorded in the child's reading record which is checked on most days.

Children who do not get a chance to read at least twice a week at home will have the opportunity to do so on Friday break time.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned to school by Wednesday. Time will be provided  with an adult at lunchtime  Wednesday and Thursday for children who struggle to complete homework at home.

Tables and Arithmetic

It is vital that children know their tables (including the division inverse) and number facts in order to complete Year 5 Maths, assistance will be given to those struggling but if they can work on this at home it will invaluable for year 6. 

These websites can support your child with practising their timetables and division facts are below. Children have their own login for TTrockstars. If your child does not know theirs, this can be given to them again.


We communicate through Class Dojo if you need us do not hesitate to drop me a message. We are  also available at the end of the school day.


Our Current Learning:




Multiplication and Division: Mrs Duckworth

Fractions: Mr Bowden




Weekly whole class reading texts.

Class novel: Wonder. 




Online Safety/Computer systems and networking


Painting using mixed media

Cooking a healthy nutritious meal - Spaghetti Bolognese 


Basketball/Netball - Mrs Duckworth

Gymnastics- Mr Bowden


Composition and Notions


 What is it like to be a Muslim in Britain today?



Here are some examples of our recounts from term 1.

Home Learning Monday 4th November and Tuesday 5th November:

I have readded all the work from yesterday onto her as it is easier to access. One completed all of Mondays work, complete Tuesdays. I have sorted by subject rather than day. 



We are learning to compare and numbers to 1 million in my maths lessons. I have also added numberlines to 1 million as many children found this tricky so the extra practise will be useful. 

 Compare and order to 1 million - day 2 challenges.pdfDownload
 Compare and order to 1 million day 2 extra questions.pdfDownload
 Compare and order to 1 million day 2.pdfDownload
 compare numbers to 1 000 000.docxDownload
 compare numbers to 1 000 000.pdfDownload
 numberline sheet 1.pdfDownload
 numberlines challenge.pdfDownload
 numberlines sheet 2.pdfDownload
 numberlines to 1,000,000.docxDownload
 Y5 Autumn Block 1 TS11 Compare and order numbers to 1000000.pptxDownload
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Yesterday I asked you to look at the song "No man's land by Eric Bogle." Here is the song again, lyrics and questions to answer. 

I have also added a quick comprehension about remembrance and WW1. 

 no mans land remebrance song.pdfDownload
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PowerPoint for this week and all of the worksheets to match the powerpoint:

 Stage 5 Lesson 8 words ending in -ance and -ancy - Presentation.pptxDownload
 Stage 5 Lesson 8 words ending in -ance and -ancy - Worksheets.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


Create a poster on the importance of prioritising sleep and exercise. Good healthy habits for children (and adults too!)

 Exercise Right, Sleep Tight Lesson Presentation.pptxDownload
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Our current geography topic is deserts - in particular focusing on the Mojave desert in North America. I have attached some previous videos about deserts. 

We are learning about the physical features of deserts: 

Sand dunes, mushroom rocks, mesa, natural arch and salt flats. Children can use Google/Kiddle and research "how are sand dunes formed in deserts?" 

Children can draw picture of each desert feature and write a short caption underneath explaining how each feature is formed.




We were about to share to our new PE topic, Netball. If you have access to an medium sized balls begin to practise some of the passes and the footwork that will be needed for next week: 

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