In our class our teacher is Mrs Cowley (was Miss Wright) with Mrs Taylor as our teaching assistant and midday assistant. 

We start our day at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm, drop off and pick up is from the KS2 playground.


Our PE days are a Wednesday and a Thursday in the afternoon - your child can come in in their PE kit on those days.

Please ensure that your child has correct PE kit: white top, black bottoms and pumps/trainers. 


The children will have a morning break and we will phase out the afternoon break by Christmas, you will have to bring your own snacks as school doesn't provide them in KS2. Make sure they are healthy snacks such as rice cakes, fruit or vegetables. Make sure to send your child in with a water bottle so they can have a drink throughout the day. A friendly reminder that only water is allowed in your child's in class drink. 


We communicate on Class Dojo, if you need to contact me don't hesitate to message me on there. If you need your code for your child let us know and we'll send home a new code for you to connect. Also follow us on twitter @MrsCowley_LCPS


I will be sending reading books home - make sure you check your child's bag for books, make a comment and sign in their reading record and we will change the book in school the next day. Don't forget about our reading challenge! We would love to see you reach your bronze, silver and gold awards.


Homework will be sent out on a Friday  and brought back in by Wednesday. Each week your child will get their spellings, relevant times tables and some suggested activities to support their learning in class that week. If you feel like your child needs extra support in an area send myself a dojo message and I can send home some more supportive work. At the front of their homework books will be a log in code for Numbots, Timestable Rockstars and Purple Mash - these are all educational and will support them with their learning.


Websites that will help your child:   - times table rockstars, this will help your child with times tables skills    - hit the button will help with number fact recall (number bonds and times tables)   - purple mash has lots of educational games on there


If a log in is needed for any website it will be stuck to the inside of their homework book/reading record.


What are we Learning About in Spring Term?


We will be learning how to multiply and divide this half term. There will be a focus on learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables as well as learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We will be looking at measurements and how to measure things accurately in both cm, mm and m as well as kg, g, ml and L. We will start our fractions unit by looking at what is a fraction and how to count in fractions on a number line. 



We will be learning all about nutrition and skeletons! We will be looking at the different types of skeletons (endo and exo). We will be exploring how muscles work and how they are attached to our skeletons. We will be learning all about the different roles our skeletons have (movement, support and protection). We will be learning about the different food groups and why it is so important that we eat a wide and varied diet for our health. 



We will be learning what life was like for people in pre-historic Britain. We will be looking at the changes to their lifestyle from a nomadic hunter-gatherer up until the Roman invasion during Celtic times. We will be learning all about what inventions there were and how some of these still influence us today. 



We will be looking at volcanoes! We will be learning about how mountains are formed and where we find them on our planet. We will look into earthquakes and why they happen. We will be debating whether we would want to live near a volcano or not, weighing up the pros and cons. 


Art & DT

We will be looking at an artist called Frank Bowling this term, learning all about his abstract art and using this to inspire us to create a piece of abstract art inspired by volcanoes. We will be merging sewing with this to create art with texture. In DT we will be using our science topic to help us design, make and evaluating a bread-based product with a filling for lunch, such as a wrap, a sandwich, a roll or a toastie



We will be working on our singing this half term! With a focus on a Viking inspired song called Dragon Ship! We will be focussing on pitch, and how to warm up our faces and voices appropriately. 



This term will be all about learning how to keep ourselves healthy both physically and mentally. We will be focussing on what makes us unique, how we feel in different situations and the healthy way to release our emotions. We will also be looking into why keeping physically healthy can also impact us mentally. 



We will be learning about different religions and their relationships with God. We will be comparing and contrasting their different beliefs and looking for similarities between them.   



In Spanish we will be learning how to talk about a wide range of different animals. 


In PE we will be learning all about Gymnastics and fitness. We will also be working on our Dodgeball skills, learning how to play the game and what tactics we can use. 

Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop

Forest School Session 1

Forest School Session 2 & 3