
Vision Statement for English

At Lyndhurst, we understand the importance of studying English and how the English skills pupils develop throughout their education underpin the foundation for every other area of cross-curricular learning.  The skills they learn in English also equip them with crucial life-skills they will use post education.

Having a progressive skill set in speaking, writing, reading, spelling and handwriting will allow our pupils to express their views and opinions constructively and coherently, which provides them with the greatest opportunities for full enrichment both in and out of school.

For these reasons, the effective teaching of English is a high priority to allow our pupils the opportunities to flourish in all areas of the curriculum. Our aim for English at Lyndhurst is to promote high standards of spoken and written literacy through embedding our priorities in every area of learning. We strive to ensure that the learning that takes place at our school can be accessed by all and paves the way for literacy opportunities through vocabulary rich topics and learning that nurtures our children’s thirst for knowledge and love of literature.

Suggested reading lists for children in all key stages
